Results for 'Johan Ferdinand Dietrich Bernardus Wempe'

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  1.  12
    Market and morality: business ethics and the dirty and many hands dilemma = Markt and moraal: ondernemingsethiek en het vuile- and vele-handendilemma.Johan Ferdinand Dietrich Bernardus Wempe - 1998 - Amsterdam: Eburon.
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    Ethical Entrepreneurship and Fair Trade.Johan Wempe - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (3):211-220.
    Due to several recent scandals, Business Ethics is now firmly embraced. Whereas in the 1980s and early 1990s there were serious doubts expressed about combining ethics and business, the link now seems to have become self-evident. Fundamental questions about the tensions between business and ethics however continue to receive little attention. In this paper, based upon a debate concerning the Fair Trade company, the strains between business and ethics are analyzed. The article shows how several great thinkers have already considered (...)
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    Industry and Chain Responsibilities and Integrative Social Contracts Theory.Johan Wempe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S4):751 - 764.
    This article shows that business ethics is not capable of explaining the responsibility of limited organised collectives such as chains, sectors and industries. The responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry to make AIDS blockers available for patients in Africa is an example of such a sector responsibility. By using system theory, it is possible to understand responsibility at the level of a social system. The Integrative Social Contracts Theory has been extended to determine this system's responsibility.
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    Twelve gordian knots when developing an organizational code of ethics.Muel Kaptein & Johan Wempe - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (8):853-869.
    Following the example of the many organizations in the United States which have a code of ethics, an increasing interest on the part of companies, trade organizations, (semi-)governmental organizations and professions in the Netherlands to develop codes of ethics can be witnessed. We have been able to escort a variety of organizations in this process. The process that organizations must go through in order to attain a code involves a variety of difficult decisions. In this article we will, based on (...)
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    (1 other version)The ethics report: A means of sharing responsibility.Muel Kaptein & Johan Wempe - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (3):131–139.
    “An ethics report is a snapshot of a process taking place at various levels within a company and between its stakeholders.” Ethics reports can serve a number of purposes, and for large multinational companies they can provide an important tool for stakeholder management, as is illustrated in the case of Shell. Muel Kaptein and Johan Wempe both work for KPMG Ethics & Integrity Consulting and lecture in business ethics at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Both (...)
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  6.  33
    Business challenging business ethics: New instruments for coping with diversity in international business. [REVIEW]Jacek Sójka & Johan Wempe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):1.
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    Is information theory, or the assumptions that surround it, holding back neuroscience?Lee de-Wit, Vebjørn Ekroll, Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf & Johan Wagemans - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The challenges raised in this article are not with information theory per se, but the assumptions surrounding it. Neuroscience isn't sufficiently critical about the appropriate ‘receiver’ or ‘channel’, focuses on decoding ‘parts’, and often relies on a flawed ‘veridicality’ assumption. If these problematic assumptions were questioned, information theory could be better directed to help us understand how the brain works.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Eric A. Weiss, Justin Leiber, Judith Felson Duchan, Mallory Selfridge, Eric Dietrich, Peter A. Facione, Timothy Joseph Day, Johan M. Lammens, Andrew Feenberg, Deborah G. Johnson, Daniel S. Levine & Ted A. Warfield - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (1):109-155.
  9.  11
    Stumme Schreie.Dietrich Schotte - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1):225-250.
    Trotz der wiederholten Kritik an ihm scheint Johan Galtungs Begriff der „strukturellen Gewalt“ durch die Verbindung von sozialwissenschaftlicher Analyse und normativer Kritik komplexer sozialer Strukturen wie gemacht zu sein für die Analyse epistemischen Unrechts. Während andere Autor:innen deutlich klarer definierte und abgegrenzte Begriffe der strukturellen oder „institutionalisierten“ Gewalt vorgeschlagen haben, fehlt hier meist eine Diskussion der entsprechenden Phänomene, die den Begriff des „epistemischen Unrechts“ einbezieht. In diesem Aufsatz will ich unter Einbeziehung jüngerer Arbeiten zum Begriff der Gewalt zum einen (...)
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  10. Business challenging business ethics: New instruments for coping with diversity in international business the 12th annual eben conference guest editors: Jacek Sójka and Johan Wempe Jacek Sójka and Johan Wempe/business challenging business ethics: New.Chris J. Moon & Peter Woolliams - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27:393-394.
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    Computations in higher types.Johan Moldestad - 1977 - New York: Springer Verlag.
  12.  21
    On the angular component map modulo P.Johan Pas - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1125-1129.
  13.  3
    Akademika: Beiträge zur Litteraturgeschichte der sokratischen Schulen.Ferdinand Dümmler - 1889 - J. Ricker.
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  14. Schriften.Ferdinand Ebner & Franz Seyr - 1963 - München,: Kösel-Verlag. Edited by Franz Seyr.
    1. Bd. Fragmente, Aufsätze, Aphorismen. Zu einer Pneumatologie des Wortes.--2. Bd. Notizen, Tagebücher, Lebenserinnerungen.--3. Bd. Briefe.
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  15. Der Begriff der historischen Erklärung und seine geschichtsphilosophischen Folgen.Ferdinand Fellmann - 1977 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 84 (1):91.
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    High impact nutrition and dietetics journals’ use of publication procedures to increase research transparency.Alva O. Ferdinand & Dennis M. Gorman - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe rigor and integrity of the published research in nutrition studies has come into serious question in recent years. Concerns focus on the use of flexible data analysis practices and selective reporting and the failure of peer review journals to identify and correct these practices. In response, it has been proposed that journals employ editorial procedures designed to improve the transparency of published research.ObjectiveThe present study examines the adoption of editorial procedures designed to improve the reporting of empirical studies in (...)
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  17.  36
    Do Peace Studies Reach Out, Including Others?Johan Galtung - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    This paper presents various personal reflections made about Peace studies find its new challenges, which will help to understand the reality and peace research from new globalizing dimensions. From the transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, we aim to go beyond what is established in order to open new ways to analyze and offer other benchmarks, such as equality and equity. In this sense, the text develops a convergence of different approaches to this research: sociology of peace, development, politics and culture, the (...)
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  18.  10
    Archimedes Opera Omnia 3 Volume Set.Johan Ludvig Heiberg (ed.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in 1880–1, this three-volume edition of the extant works of the Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse was edited by the Danish philologist and historian Johan Ludvig Heiberg, whose Quaestiones Archimedeae is also reissued in this series. He compiled this edition from a Florentine codex, which he compared with other extant sources. Volume 1 contains On the Sphere and the Cylinder, On the Measurement of a Circle and On Conoids and Spheroids. Volume 2 contains On Spirals, On the Equilibrium (...)
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  19.  4
    Bilanz der Paradigmendiskussion in der Erziehungswissenschaft: Leistungen, Defizite, Grenzen.Dietrich Hoffmann & Martin Fromm (eds.) - 1991 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  20. Modality: The three-layered scalar square.van der Auwera Johan - 1996 - Journal of Semantics 13 (3).
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  21. Der Standpunkt des universalistischen Panlogismus: Vorbemerkung. Die Bedeutung der mathematisch-physikalischen Gesetzeswissenschaften für Leibnizens Philosophie.Dietrich Mahnke - 1925 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 7:324.
  22. Obshchee uchenie o pravi︠e︡.Ferdinand Regelsberger - 1897
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  23. Thomas Hobbes. Der Mann und der Denker, 2e éd.Ferdinand Tönnies - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (4):15-15.
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  24. (1 other version)Hegel und die religion in der gesalt des denkens.Ferdinand Ulrich - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:31-93.
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  25. Spiritualisierung der Natur und Naturalisierung des Menschen.Dietrich vEngelhardt - 1981 - In Friedrich Rapp (ed.), Naturverständnis und Naturbeherrschung: philosophiegeschichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwärtiger Kontext. München: Fink.
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    Metaphorical Imagery-Ambiguity, Explicitness and Life.Johan Wrede - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62:415-422.
  27.  13
    A qualitative physics based on confluences.Johan De Kleer & John Seely Brown - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):7-83.
  28. Independent Opinions? On the Causal Foundations of Belief Formation and Jury Theorems.Franz Dietrich & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - Mind 122 (487):655-685.
    Democratic decision-making is often defended on grounds of the ‘wisdom of crowds’: decisions are more likely to be correct if they are based on many independent opinions, so a typical argument in social epistemology. But what does it mean to have independent opinions? Opinions can be probabilistically dependent even if individuals form their opinion in causal isolation from each other. We distinguish four probabilistic notions of opinion independence. Which of them holds depends on how individuals are causally affected by environmental (...)
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  29. Belief revision generalized: A joint characterization of Bayes's and Jeffrey's rules.Franz Dietrich, Christian List & Richard Bradley - 2015 - Journal of Economic Theory 162:352-371.
    We present a general framework for representing belief-revision rules and use it to characterize Bayes's rule as a classical example and Jeffrey's rule as a non-classical one. In Jeffrey's rule, the input to a belief revision is not simply the information that some event has occurred, as in Bayes's rule, but a new assignment of probabilities to some events. Despite their differences, Bayes's and Jeffrey's rules can be characterized in terms of the same axioms: "responsiveness", which requires that revised beliefs (...)
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  30. Aggregation Theory and the Relevance of Some Issues to Others.Franz Dietrich - 2015 - Journal of Economic Theory 160:463-493.
    I propose a relevance-based independence axiom on how to aggregate individual yes/no judgments on given propositions into collective judgments: the collective judgment on a proposition depends only on people’s judgments on propositions which are relevant to that proposition. This axiom contrasts with the classical independence axiom: the collective judgment on a proposition depends only on people’s judgments on the same proposition. I generalize the premise-based rule and the sequential-priority rule to an arbitrary priority order of the propositions, instead of a (...)
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  31. Judgment aggregation without full rationality.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2008 - Social Choice and Welfare 31:15-39.
    Several recent results on the aggregation of judgments over logically connected propositions show that, under certain conditions, dictatorships are the only propositionwise aggregation functions generating fully rational (i.e., complete and consistent) collective judgments. A frequently mentioned route to avoid dictatorships is to allow incomplete collective judgments. We show that this route does not lead very far: we obtain oligarchies rather than dictatorships if instead of full rationality we merely require that collective judgments be deductively closed, arguably a minimal condition of (...)
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    The cognitive roots of regularization in language.Vanessa Ferdinand, Simon Kirby & Kenny Smith - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):53-68.
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    The Right Way to Approach Conference Site Selection.Merjan Ozisik, Johan Dellgren & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):29-31.
    Where should we meet? This may seem like a trivial decision, mostly focused on convenience. However, location can represent integral values, attitudes, and priorities. Especially when the meeting i...
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    Treatise on intuitionistic type theory.Johan Georg Granström - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    Prolegomena It is fitting to begin this book on intuitionistic type theory by putting the subject matter into perspective. The purpose of this chapter is to ...
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  35.  34
    (1 other version)Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft. (Theorem der Kultur-Philosophie.).Ferdinand Tönnies - 1925 - Kant Studien 30 (1-2):149-179.
  36. Propositionwise judgment aggregation: the general case.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2013 - Social Choice and Welfare 40 (4):1067-1095.
    In the theory of judgment aggregation, it is known for which agendas of propositions it is possible to aggregate individual judgments into collective ones in accordance with the Arrow-inspired requirements of universal domain, collective rationality, unanimity preservation, non-dictatorship and propositionwise independence. But it is only partially known (e.g., only in the monotonic case) for which agendas it is possible to respect additional requirements, notably non-oligarchy, anonymity, no individual veto power, or implication preservation. We fully characterize the agendas for which there (...)
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  37. A Strengthening of the Consequence Argument for Incompatibilism.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):705-715.
    The aim of the Consequence Argument is to show that, if determinism is true, no one has, or ever had, any choice about anything. In the stock version of the argument, its two premisses state that no one is, or ever was, able to act so that the past would have been different and no one is, or ever was, able to act so that the laws of nature would have been different. This stock version fails, however, because it requires (...)
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  38. Parental discretion and children's rights: Background and implications for medical decision-making.Ferdinand Schoeman - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (1):45-62.
    This paper argues that liberal tenats that justify intervention to promote the welfare of an incompetent do not suffice as a basis for analyzing parent-child relationships, and that this inadequacy is the basis for many of the problems that arise when thinking about the state's role in resolving family conflicts, particularly when monitoring parental discretion in medical decision-making on behalf of a child. The state may be limited by the best interest criterion when dealing with children, but parents are not. (...)
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  39. The impossibility of unbiased judgment aggregation.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (3):281-299.
    Standard impossibility theorems on judgment aggregation over logically connected propositions either use a controversial systematicity condition or apply only to agendas of propositions with rich logical connections. Are there any serious impossibilities without these restrictions? We prove an impossibility theorem without requiring systematicity that applies to most standard agendas: Every judgment aggregation function (with rational inputs and outputs) satisfying a condition called unbiasedness is dictatorial (or effectively dictatorial if we remove one of the agenda conditions). Our agenda conditions are tight. (...)
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  40.  50
    Towards a Sociology of Translation: Book Translations as a Cultural World-System.Johan Heilbron - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (4):429-444.
    This article argues that the translation of books may be fruitfully understood as constituting a cultural world-system. The working of this system, based on a core-periphery structure, accounts for the uneven flows of translations between language groups as well as for the varying role of translations within language groups. The final part outlines how this general sociological model may be further developed.
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    Education, Illusions and Valuable Fictions.Johan Dahlbeck - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (1):214-234.
    Saul Smilansky's Illusionism suggests that some false beliefs are important enough to warrant the indefinite perpetuation of illusions in order to protect the larger moral community from breaking down. In this article I suggest that this position actualises an old educational paradox where education is expected to protect the common moral community (even if this means maintaining some illusions), and at the same time promote the pursuit of truth. Taking Smilansky's position of Illusionism as a starting point, I argue that (...)
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  42.  95
    Richard Goldschmidt's "Heresies" and the Evolutionary Synthesis.Michael R. Dietrich - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (3):431-461.
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    On Incapacitating the Dangerous.Ferdinand D. Schoeman - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (1):27 - 35.
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    Good Lives: Parts and Wholes.Johan Brännmark - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (2):221 - 231.
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    Teaching theology at African public universities as decolonisation through education and contextualisation.Johan Buitendag & Corneliu C. Simut - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    This article is an attempt to provide a systematic and integrative picture of the main contributions presented at the colloquium which addressed the current state of theological education, proposals for the basic values to be laid as foundation for a new theological curriculum and concrete attempts to build such a curriculum in South Africa, the African continent and especially at the University of Pretoria with a particular stress on decolonisation as contextualisation. In dealing with these aspects, the article focuses on (...)
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  46.  13
    Extending the ATMS.Johan de Kleer - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (2):163-196.
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    Problem solving with the ATMS.Johan de Kleer - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (2):197-224.
  48.  47
    Responsibility and the problem of induced desires.Ferdinand Schoeman - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (3):293 - 301.
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    Poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic: A challenge to the church.Johan M. van der Merwe - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
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    Motivational Influences on Performance Monitoring and Cognitive Control Across the Adult Lifespan.Nicola K. Ferdinand & Daniela Czernochowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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